Jelaskan apa yang dimaksud dengan gas alam​

Jelaskan apa yang dimaksud dengan gas alam​
Jelaskan apa yang dimaksud dengan gas alam​

Gas alam adalah campuran gas-gas hidrokarbon yang ditemukan di bawah permukaan bumi. Biasanya terdiri dari metana bersama dengan sejumlah kecil gas lain seperti etana, propana, butana, dan nitrogen. Gas alam merupakan sumber energi utama yang digunakan untuk berbagai keperluan seperti pemanasan, memasak, dan pembangkit listrik.

tolong bantu jwb dong mau dikumpulkan besok nih220 v G 1 = 50 mA Berdasarkan gambar tersebut, Jika kuat arus listrik yang mengalir pada kumparan primer sebesar 50 mA, maka besar kuat arus listrik yang mengalir pada kumparan sekunder adalah...... a. 2.0 Ab. 2.2 Ac. 10 Ad. 0,1 Amau jwbn dngn langkah langkah​

tolong bantu jwb dong mau dikumpulkan besok nih220 v G 1 = 50 mA Berdasarkan gambar tersebut, Jika kuat arus listrik yang mengalir pada kumparan primer sebesar 50 mA, maka besar kuat arus listrik yang mengalir pada kumparan sekunder adalah...... a. 2.0 Ab. 2.2 Ac. 10 Ad. 0,1 Amau jwbn dngn langkah langkah​
tolong bantu jwb dong mau dikumpulkan besok nih

220 v G 1 = 50 mA Berdasarkan gambar tersebut, Jika kuat arus listrik yang mengalir pada kumparan primer sebesar 50 mA, maka besar kuat arus listrik yang mengalir pada kumparan sekunder adalah......
a. 2.0 A
b. 2.2 A
c. 10 A
d. 0,1 A

mau jwbn dngn langkah langkah​


Untuk menjawab pertanyaan ini, kita perlu memahami konsep transformator.

Dalam transformator, berlaku hubungan:

Vs/Vp = Ns/Np


Vs = Tegangan sekunder

Vp = Tegangan primer

Ns = Jumlah lilitan sekunder

Np = Jumlah lilitan primer

Berdasarkan informasi yang diberikan:

- Tegangan primer (Vp) = 220 V

- Arus primer (Ip) = 50 mA = 0,05 A

Untuk mencari arus sekunder (Is), kita dapat menggunakan rumus:

Ip x Np = Is x Ns

Karena tidak diberikan informasi mengenai jumlah lilitan primer (Np) dan jumlah lilitan sekunder (Ns), maka kita tidak dapat menghitung Is secara langsung.

Namun, kita dapat menggunakan prinsip transformator ideal, dimana:

Vs/Vp = Ns/Np = Is/Ip

Sehingga, jawaban yang paling tepat adalah:

d. 0,1 A

Karena dalam transformator ideal, jika arus primer (Ip) = 0,05 A, maka arus sekunder (Is) = 0,1 A.


b. 2,2 A

semoga benar yaa

READING Task 1 Read the following text carefully. Raya's Journey to Become a Perfect Dancer Tombe a Raya's journey to becoming a perfect dancer was marked by relentless dedication and a passion that burned intensely within her. She approached her craft with unwavering determination, practicing her routines diligently day in and day out. Every step, every spin, every leap was executed with precision and executed gracefully. Raya attended dance classes regularly, absorbing the teachings of her instructors attentively. She moved through each dance style fluidly, transitioning from classical ballet to contemporary effortlessly. Her movements flowed effortlessly, a testament to the countless hours she spent perfecting her art. In addition to her rigorous practice sessions, Raya immersed herself in the world of dance. She watched performances avidly, studying the techniques of renowned dancers from around the world. Her dedication paid off as she gradually evolved into a performer who could express herself eloquently through dance. Raya's journey was not without its challenges, but her unwavering commitment and the way she pursued her dreams wholeheartedly made her a shining star in the world of dance. Her story served as an inspiration to all aspiring artists, proving that with passion and hard work, one can achieve perfection in their chosen craft. Task 2 Answer the questions based on the text 1. How did Raya approach her journey to become a perfect dancer? What was the hallmark of Raya's practice routines? 2. 3. How did Raya transition between different dance styles? 4. 5. Besides rigorous practice, what else did Raya do to immerse herself in the world of dance? What message does Raya's journey convey to aspiring artists?

Task 1
Read the following text carefully.
Raya's Journey to Become a Perfect Dancer
Tombe a
Raya's journey to becoming a perfect dancer was marked by relentless dedication and a passion
that burned intensely within her. She approached her craft with unwavering determination, practicing her
routines diligently day in and day out. Every step, every spin, every leap was executed with precision and
executed gracefully.
Raya attended dance classes regularly, absorbing the teachings of her instructors attentively. She
moved through each dance style fluidly, transitioning from classical ballet to contemporary effortlessly. Her
movements flowed effortlessly, a testament to the countless hours she spent perfecting her art.
In addition to her rigorous practice sessions, Raya immersed herself in the world of dance. She watched
performances avidly, studying the techniques of renowned dancers from around the world. Her dedication
paid off as she gradually evolved into a performer who could express herself eloquently through dance.
Raya's journey was not without its challenges, but her unwavering commitment and the way she
pursued her dreams wholeheartedly made her a shining star in the world of dance. Her story served as
an inspiration to all aspiring artists, proving that with passion and hard work, one can achieve perfection
in their chosen craft.
Task 2
Answer the questions based on the text
1. How did Raya approach her journey to become a perfect dancer?
What was the hallmark of Raya's practice routines?
How did Raya transition between different dance styles?
Besides rigorous practice, what else did Raya do to immerse herself in the world of dance?
What message does Raya's journey convey to aspiring artists?
Task 1
Read the following text carefully.
Raya's Journey to Become a Perfect Dancer
Tombe a
Raya's journey to becoming a perfect dancer was marked by relentless dedication and a passion
that burned intensely within her. She approached her craft with unwavering determination, practicing her
routines diligently day in and day out. Every step, every spin, every leap was executed with precision and
executed gracefully.
Raya attended dance classes regularly, absorbing the teachings of her instructors attentively. She
moved through each dance style fluidly, transitioning from classical ballet to contemporary effortlessly. Her
movements flowed effortlessly, a testament to the countless hours she spent perfecting her art.
In addition to her rigorous practice sessions, Raya immersed herself in the world of dance. She watched
performances avidly, studying the techniques of renowned dancers from around the world. Her dedication
paid off as she gradually evolved into a performer who could express herself eloquently through dance.
Raya's journey was not without its challenges, but her unwavering commitment and the way she
pursued her dreams wholeheartedly made her a shining star in the world of dance. Her story served as
an inspiration to all aspiring artists, proving that with passion and hard work, one can achieve perfection
in their chosen craft.
Task 2
Answer the questions based on the text
1. How did Raya approach her journey to become a perfect dancer?
What was the hallmark of Raya's practice routines?
How did Raya transition between different dance styles?
Besides rigorous practice, what else did Raya do to immerse herself in the world of dance?
What message does Raya's journey convey to aspiring artists?


1.) Raya approached her journey to become a perfect dancer with relentless dedication and a burning passion for dance. She was committed and practiced her routines diligently day in and day out. The hallmark of her practice routines was precision and grace in executing every step, spin, and leap.

2.) Raya transitioned between different dance styles fluidly and effortlessly. She moved from classical ballet to contemporary seamlessly, showcasing her versatility in adapting to various dance styles.

3.) Raya immersed herself in the world of dance by watching performances avidly and studying the techniques of renowned dancers from around the world. This allowed her to broaden her knowledge and understanding of dance beyond her own practice.

4.) The message conveyed by Raya's journey to aspiring artists is that with passion and hard work, one can achieve perfection in their chosen craft. Her unwavering commitment and wholehearted pursuit of her dreams made her a shining star in the world of dance, serving as an inspiration for others who aspire to achieve greatness in their own artistic endeavors.

tolong kasi cara nya sekalian ya​

tolong kasi cara nya sekalian ya​
tolong kasi cara nya sekalian ya​


Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

x² - 2x - 3 = 0

(1)x² + (-2)x + (-3) = 0

ax² + bx + c = 0

a = 1

b = -2

c = -3

x₁ + x₂ = -b/a

x₁ + x₂ = -((-2)/1)

x₁ + x₂ = -(-2)

x₁ + x₂ = 2.

Jadi, hasil dari x₁ + x₂ adalah 2.

Semoga membantu.

12. Sebuah pipa U diisi dengan air (massa jenis = 1.000 kg/m³), kemudian dimasukkan zat cair lain hingga mengisi 10 cm bagian kiri pipa. Jika diketahui beda ketinggian permukaan zat cair adalah 1 cm, maka besarnya massa jenis zat cair tersebut adalah .... a. 0,9 kg/m³ b. 9 kg/m³ c. 90 kg/m³ d. 900 kg/m³

12. Sebuah pipa U diisi dengan air (massa jenis = 1.000 kg/m³), kemudian dimasukkan zat cair lain hingga mengisi 10 cm bagian kiri pipa. Jika diketahui beda ketinggian permukaan zat cair adalah 1 cm, maka besarnya massa jenis zat cair tersebut adalah .... a. 0,9 kg/m³ b. 9 kg/m³ c. 90 kg/m³ d. 900 kg/m³
12. Sebuah pipa U diisi dengan air (massa jenis = 1.000 kg/m³), kemudian dimasukkan zat cair lain hingga mengisi 10 cm bagian kiri pipa. Jika diketahui beda ketinggian permukaan zat cair adalah 1 cm, maka besarnya massa jenis zat cair tersebut adalah .... a. 0,9 kg/m³ b. 9 kg/m³ c. 90 kg/m³ d. 900 kg/m³


Untuk menyelesaikan masalah ini, kita dapat menggunakan prinsip keseimbangan tekanan dalam fluida. Karena pipa U terisi dengan dua cairan yang tidak bercampur dan berada dalam keseimbangan, tekanan di kedua ujung pipa harus sama.

Karena ketinggian permukaan zat cair yang dimasukkan adalah 10 cm dan beda ketinggian permukaan adalah 1 cm, maka tinggi kolom air di sebelah kiri adalah 10 cm - 1 cm = 9 cm.

Tekanan yang dihasilkan oleh kolom zat cair adalah ρgh, di mana ρ adalah massa jenis zat cair, g adalah percepatan gravitasi, dan h adalah tinggi kolom zat cair.

Tekanan yang dihasilkan oleh kolom air di sebelah kanan adalah ρ(1 m³)g(10 cm) = ρ(1 m³)(10^(-1) m)(9.8 m/s²) = 9.8ρ Pascal.

Karena kedua tekanan harus sama, maka ρ(1 m³)(10^(-1) m)(9.8 m/s²) = 9.8ρ.

Dengan demikian, kita dapatkan ρ = 9 kg/m³.

Jadi, jawabannya adalah b. 9 kg/m³.